“Now to HIM who is able…but with GOD all things are possible!” -Jude 24, Mt.19:26
“Then the disciples went out and preached everywhere, and the LORD worked with them and confirmed His Word by the signs that accompanied it.” –Mk.16:20
In reading Acts, you become aware of the constant presence, influence and activity of the Living God in our lives and world. To read the Bible, and especially Acts and not see the constant emphasis and occurrence of the Spiritual and supernatural, is like going to the beach and seeing no ocean. God is alive and working in, among and through HIS people.
In Acts 3-7, we find many wonderful, startling and strange things. “When it comes to understanding (these) events in Acts, there is a distinction to be made between the abnormal and the normal. To begin with, some of these events occur over months and years of time, not days. Also, there are certain things that happen in Acts which were abnormal and should not be expected to happen continually. We do not expect to see wind and flames every time someone receives the Spirit” (Pawson). It’s also not normal to be blinded and hear Jesus’ audible voice at conversion, or to have the building shake or earthquakes when we pray. While some of this list is normal, some aspects or events related to topics 5-7 and possibly others are not.
*Some key questions for deciding if something is normal are:
- Is the event only mentioned once or is it repeated?
Ex. Death from judgment vs. similar stories of baptisms in the Spirit
- Is there confirmation or instruction elsewhere in Scripture?
Ex. Healing, eldership or speaking in tongues
“The story (of Acts) has impressed me with the glorious regularity of the irregular work of the Church by the Holy Spirit. It is a powerful argument against the stereotyped in Christian organization and method; and consequently a plea for room for the operation of the Spirit.” (GCMorgan)
1. HEALING- Acts 3-4
Soon after Pentecost, Peter and John were headed to the temple for prayer. There at the gate “Beautiful” was a man lame from birth. This chapter tells how a miraculous healing took place in Jesus name. This event brought about great preaching, persecution and then provoked prayers for more boldness and wonders. While witnessing, Peter was quick to point out that healing and miracles do not come through our power or godliness. No human ability or moral standing can do this. It’s not earned or worked for, but only by Jesus’ name…and faith in HIM! (3:12, 16).
In Mt.8, Jesus performs an insightful series of healings which can answer many people’s questions. Each healing is performed and received in an entirely different way. There’s healing: in worship, showing Jesus is willing to heal; by faith and Jesus’ word; by laying on of hand’s; in fulfillment of OT prophecy; and through demonic deliverance. This culminates in Jesus’ startling statement that healing is much easier than forgiving sin (Mt.9:5-6). Healing is possible…
2. SALVATION- Acts 4:1-12, Jn.3:16, Rom.10:9-10, Eph.2:8-9
Humanity is separated from God because of sin. The immeasurable gap between God and man is only bridged by faith in the cross and resurrection of Christ. God’s justice for the penalty of sin is taken care of by the sacrifice and substitution of Jesus. He paid the price for my crime and took my place. Jesus is the way, truth and life…no one comes to Father God, but through HIM. The greatest gift ever given was Jesus Christ on the cross; and because of this, your sins are forgiven and you are free. Repentance and faith in the person and work of Jesus changes us. Christ recues us from sin, self and Satan to live an abundant life filled with faith, hope and love. Being born-again (a changed heart and life) only comes by the Spirit and word of God. The greatest miracle of all is salvation. Salvation is found in no one else…Jesus saves!
3. BOLDNESS- Act 4:13-31
This portion of Acts is showing us the secrets of boldness, and that God has strength to help you face suffering. These Christians and leaders found courage in crises and boldness in faith through: personal convictions, real fellowship (friends), a commitment to know and obey Christ, intercessory prayer, believing God’s promises and a revelation of the Sovereignty of God (seen in their prayers).
This kind of courage never comes from pulling yourself up by the bootstraps or resolving to try harder. It is only the Resurrection Life of Christ, the Spirit of Might or a gift of faith “which turns abject terror into flaming courage and cowards into heroes and martyrs…to drive ordinary, shrinking men like ourselves to go shouting a message to derisive audiences…a message punished with whip stripes, crosses and red-jawed beasts, yet persisting-indomitable, on and on, down the echoing centuries, until a pagan world was conquered by a handful of Jewish fishermen” (WA Kirkland). Boldness is available.
- GENEROSITY- Acts 4:32-37
This is not just giving a special offering, but a radical lifestyle of sharing, sacrificial giving and freedom from self-absorbed, materialism. It comes from a heart full of love and a life focused on others. It is selfless acts from true empathy, and compassion that creates thoughtfulness and motivates response and giving in crises. Radical community and fellowship” includes an emphasis on a radical commitment to relationships, and home groups (ministry and prayer meetings). Doing life together brings a sense of partnership and responsibility. And the fruit of this lifestyle is boldness, kindness and generosity. This is knowing and living Jesus’ famous saying, “It is more blessed to give than to receive” –Acts 20:35.
5. JUDGMENTS- Acts 5:1-11
Living in the Presence of the Holy Spirit can be dangerous. The story of Ananias and Sapphira is shocking and should be disturbing. They sold some property, gave an offering to the church and kept (embezzled) some money back for themselves. There was deception involved, and his dishonesty seemed related to winning the esteem of the church (possibly from jealousy related to Barnabus’ gift). Satan filled Ananias’ heart, he lied to the Holy Spirit, and they fell to the ground dead. This is hard to understand; but what is clear is the same word used to describe Achan’s sin (Josh.7:1), and that wrong use of possessions or money is a serious sin in God’s eyes.
Many ask if God judges people like that today? The answer is God can, but won’t usually. This shocking judgment has 3 likely reasons: 1. The law of firstfruits, where God makes a clear or typical example in the natural for whatever comes 1st or is devoted (with Adam, Moses, Achan-Ai, tithes, etc). 2. The manifest Presence of God in revivals is a serious thing! 3. It’s a prophetic preview, an example of the full expression of the powers of the day of the Lord. In conclusion, the resulting fear provoked awesome worship, more miracles, unity, respect from unbelievers, and many salvations. Judgment is real-serious!
6. SIGNS- Acts 4:30, 5:12-16, Mk.16:17-20
The early Christians prayed for signs and wonders to accompany their ministry. And “these signs followed” them everywhere they went. These signs were supernatural signposts drawing attention to Jesus Christ, and miraculous wonders opening people’s hearts and minds to the Gospel. It is appropriate for us to pray this, and ask God to reveal Himself in unmistakable or irresistible ways also. Remember, HE will be called WONDERFUL…Mighty God! Signs & miracles happen…
Angels appear often in Acts, giving directions (8:26, 10:3) or delivering people from prison (5:19, 12:7-11). These ministering Spirits also bring encouragement (27:23), and can judge the wicked (12:23). Here the apostles are freed from prison and challenged to be faithful in the call to preach (5:20). Do not be afraid…we are not alone, there is another invisible realm of the Spirit, and there’s more with us than against us! Angels are real and anything is possible.
8. WISDOM- Acts 5:33-6:10, Jas.1:5, 3:13-17
The apostles on trial, Gamaliel’s advice, leadership transition decisions, choosing deacons (ministers), and Stephen’s debate at the Synagogue are 4 back to back stories of God giving supernatural wisdom. All of these went beyond human reasoning or intellectual ability, and were examples of spiritual wisdom and revelation at work. By faith we can understand, through the Spirit we may know…there is wisdom from above available!
We don’t always hold up under pressure. The troubles of life and stresses they bring can cause depression, personal problems and the desire to quit. However, the answer in trials and tribulations is not to quit or run…it’s to look unto Jesus and trust God for His grace and strength.
It doesn’t seem normal to handle beatings, imprisonment or martyrdom like they do in Acts. But they were empowered to bear up under intense pressure and persecution with a special anointing or gift of faith. They were able to “fellowship in Christ’s suffering” by the “blessing of the Spirit of glory” (1Pet.4:14). Don’t go through trials alone. God is there to “lead you in triumph” so you can handle any situation or circumstance through Christ who strengthens you (2Cor.2:14, Phil.4:10-14).
“As workers for God we have to learn to make room for God—to give God ‘elbow room.’ We calculate and estimate, and say that this and that will happen, and we forget to make room for God to come in as He chooses. Would we be surprised if God came into our meeting or into our preaching in a way we had never looked for Him to come? Do not look for God to come in any particular way, but look for Him. That is the way to make room for Him. Expect Him to come, but do not expect Him only in a certain way. However much we may know God, the great lesson to learn is that at any minute He may break in. We are apt to overlook this element of surprise, yet God never works in any other way. All of a sudden God meets the life, ‘When it was the good pleasure of God…’ So keep your life so constant in its contact with God that His surprising power may break out on the right hand and on the left. Always be in a state of expectancy, and see that you leave room for God to come in as He likes.” (Oswald Chambers)
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