I. What is a church? (Read Mt.16:16-19, Acts 2:40-47, 11:26, 13:1-3, Eph. 4:11-16)
It is vitally important that each of us has a Biblical understanding of what the church is. We are told that all who accepted Peter’s message on the day of Pentecost were baptized and about three thousand were added to their number that day (Acts 2:41). What were these new believers added to? A building or religious organization? No. They were added to the church. But what is a church and what does it mean to be added to the church? Here’s a brief description of the church in the New Testament. The church is a:
Body not a Building–Eph.1:22-23
Spiritual Family not Religious Burdens –Eph.2:19, 3:15
People (as God’s Temple) not a Place –Eph.2:21-22
Join to grow in Christ & be equipped for ministry-Eph.4:11-16
Love Relationship not Ritual –Eph.5:25-32
Spiritual Army not an Audience –Eph.6:10-17
Constant Prayer not Countless Programs –Eph.6:18-19
Dynamic Celebration not Dead Ceremony
Evangelism not Entertainment
| Traditional Church | Cell/Celebration Church |
Activities | Weekly worship services | Daily devotion, fellowship, prayer & evangelism |
Focus | Programs & meetings | The Word & Spirit of God & people |
Pastor’s #1 job | Preach good sermons | Model authentic Christianity |
Pastor’s #2 job | Always be available for everyone | Train & equip the people to minister |
Member’s #1 duty | Show up on Sunday | Glorify God in all of life (Worship) |
Member’s #2 duty | Show up on Sunday | Making disciples (Ministry & Service) |
Pastoral Ministry | Got a problem? Call the pastor | Body builds itself up (small groups) |
Outreach Method | Invite visitors to church | God’s presence, our witness & ministry |
Fruit of Outreach | Visitors on Sunday | Spiritual life & changed lives |
Leadership Training | Institutional based | Local church based |
Source of Leaders | Hired from outside | Faithful functioning members |
Training Focus | What you know | How you live |
Ministers | (Poorly) paid professionals | All members |
Bottom Line | Burned-out pastors & bored members | Glorious, victorious, world-changing church! |
II. Church membership Biblically is not joining an organization, but being vitally connected in relationship and purpose with Christ and other Christians. Your MEMBERSHIP in the Church (“the body of Christ”) is the fruit of 3 things: Conversion, Commitment to Jesus Christ & Connection in Christian Community!!!
Let’s take a look at these “Foundations of The Faith”:
- Conversion- In Acts we read how lives were changed, people became Christians, were brought into God’s Kingdom and added to the Church. We see the normal pattern of repentance, faith, water baptism and baptism in the Holy Spirit. Conversion is the general term we use for the life change of those who believe and experience these 4 things. It is also the specific term often used for the 1st foundation of “repentance.” In both cases, the word means to change your mind, turn around and go a new direction (turn from sin and selfishness to Jesus). The 2nd foundation of “faith” is often referred to as salvation or being born again (also called redemption or justification). After turning, you now trust in the person and work of Jesus Christ. This faith makes you a new creation in Christ with a new spiritual heart. “Water baptism” is 3rd, and is an act of obedient faith in Christ. The Bible uses 4 illustrations to help us understand this. Water baptism is: an act that separates us from our past life (like Israel crossing the Red Sea or the flood of Noah); it symbolizes Jesus’ death-burial-resurrection; and signifies our internal life change. Lastly, it is a spiritual circumcision of the heart (putting off the sinful nature, flesh) that marks our new covenant with God, and the start of a new life of relationship and obedience with Christ called discipleship. The 4th foundation of “Baptism in the Spirit” is covered in depth in Lessons 3 & 6. The Holy Spirit is the new gift given to us to empower our new life mission of worship and witnessing.
- Commitment to Jesus Christ- This is called “Lordship and discipleship.” This means we have faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, have been converted (see above) and are committed to a life of learning and growing as HIS followers. In Acts 2 you find that these believers and this commitment also include devotion to Apostle’s teaching, fellowship, breaking of bread and prayers. This means giving attention to Bible study, relationships, the Lord’s Supper and prayer as normal to Christian and Church life.
- Connection in Christian Community- “According to the Bible, the entire Christian life, including spiritual growth, battling sin and Satan, and serving God, is intended to be done in community” (Fernando). To be with or follow Jesus is to be with other followers, walking together in relationship and purpose (Mt.4:20, Mk.3:14, all plural pronouns). The Church is the family and House of God (both local and global). As spiritual family, we have God as our father, ministers that serve as spiritual parents, Jesus as a husband and brothers and sisters in Christ. As God’s home, you are being built together for a dwelling place of God in the Spirit (Eph.2:22, 1Pet.2:5). As the Church, we are like living stones, being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood (of believers). Life and faith are relational to the core. Christianity is community living, and God intended that we do life, grow in faith, build family and become fruitful in ministry together. It’s still not good to be alone!
The Local Church
III. Two primary local church models help clarify a Biblical pattern of the Church: A. The Church of Jerusalem
(Acts 2-8; 15)
· Prayer (Acts 1:24; 3:1; 4:31)
· Preaching (Acts 2:36)
· Practices (Acts 2:38-47)
2. Empowered by the Holy Spirit
· Origin of the Church (Acts 2:4)
· Power Manifestations
(Acts 2:41, 43; 3:7; 4:30; 5:12-16)
· Exuberant Praise (Acts 2:47)
3. Grounded in the Word of God
(Acts 2:42) = NT Bible study for us
4. Established Christian Community
· Genuine Fellowship (Acts 2:42)
· Sharing of Lives and Possessions
(Acts 2:44-45)
· Homes Were a Focus of Activity (Acts 2:46)
· Outsiders were drawn to the Life (Acts 2:47)
Jerusalem – “the Church with Identity”
B. The Church of Antioch
(Acts 11:26; 13:3)
· Met together
· Were taught by Jerusalem Leaders
· Disciples = Christians (Acts 11:26)
· Received Outside Prophetic Ministry
(Acts 11:27)
6. Developed Many Gifted Leaders (Acts 13:1)
· Barnabas was the Lead Brother
(Acts 13:2; 14:12)
· Leaders were servants
(Acts 4:36-37)
· Team Ministry Was a Reality (Acts 13:5)
· Diversity of Men in the Same Locality
· Transcended Race and Socio-economic status (Acts 11:20)
7. Sent Leaders Into the World (Acts 13:2-3)
· After Much Prayer and Careful Planning
(Acts 13:2)
· Into the Surrounding Regions and Nations
Jerusalem Antioch
Tradition New Works
Depth Broad
Predictable Flexible
Holding Down the Fort Reaching the World
Sameness Diversity
Emphasis on Apostles Emphasis on Team Ministry
Heritage Missionaries
Modality Sodality
Growth By Momentum Growth By Advancing
Sectarian Open to All
Upreach Outreach
III. Applications for the Church
1. Centered in Christ
Jesus is Lord, the Head of the church which is HIS body (vs. traditions, denominations, democratic or authoritarian leaders).
2. Empowered by the Spirit
The church should be open and receptive to the Holy Spirit and charismatic gifts, in accordance with the teachings of the Bible, and without the errors or abuses of the past.
3. Grounded in the Word
The Scriptures should be honored above personalities, speculations, prophesies, pet-teachings or traditions of men.
4. Development of Christian Lives and Leaders
Realizing that the church cannot be strong and the world cannot be reached without leadership (Ephesians 4:11-16), the church should continue in the development of “lay” and “full-time” ministers and leaders.
5. Established Christian Community
We should strive to be a church that is a loving family which goes beyond a model where the church is merely a feed store or activity center. Home group and small group relationships and fellowship should be practiced, preached, and preserved for the development of this community.
6. Disciple Makers
The church should be committed to develop followers of Jesus Christ. Every member is in the process of becoming a disciple as well as a disciple maker. We are all growing in the grace and knowledge of the Lord, and helping others do the same.
7. Sent Ministers into the World
As the Holy Spirit develops and calls people in life and ministry, we should continue to participate in local-community outreach and world-wide missions opportunities. We can all pray, give and go…sending and supporting ministers and missionaries, and more specifically through planting churches as the Lord leads.
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