Monday, March 1, 2010

"Simple Steps Forward"

Some people treat life like a slot machine, trying to put in as little as possible, and always hoping to hit the jackpot. But I believe that people are wiser, happier, and have more inner peace when they think of life as a solid, intelligent investment from which they receive in terms of what they put in.” -Raymond Hull

Whether it’s giving our worst and expecting the best, doing the same thing and looking for different results, or investing little and wanting much in return…Westerners seem ignorant of “the law of sowing and reaping” (Gal.6:7-10, Gen.8:22, Ps.126:5, Is.32:20, Hos.8:7, Mt.13). What a wonderful world it would truly be…if as Christians, we were serious about intimately knowing God and more intentional about Kingdom living. As I’ve often said, “It’s hard to live a whole-hearted life in a half-a…acting/hearted world…it’s difficult to secure undistracted devotion in a generation addicted to undevoted distractions!

Booker T. Washington once said, “Those who think there is no opportunity for them to live grandly, yea, heroically, no matter how lowly their calling, no matter how humble their surroundings, make a common but very serious error...The need of the hour is for heroes of the common, for young leaders to model what others consider beneath them to a people for whom such simple truths can mean hope and progress.Heroes in the “common life” and champions of the “normal Christian life”…that’s what we need.

Over a year ago, my pastor (Tom Tanner) gave a sermon on “8 Suggestions for a Better Year.” It is often said that “the road to hell is paved with good intentions.” For the times we live in, good intentions and hoping are not enough. We must be more than intentional…and take action! Wyatt Earp once told his brother, “You’re not a deliberate man Ed; I sense that about you…you’re too affable.” His point was that there’s a time to do something, and not just talk about it…or people get hurt (in Tombstone they get killed). It’s time to be deliberate, take steps in “the obedience of faith,” and sow the seeds of life that will bring a “harvest of righteousness peace and joy in the Spirit.

Today, would you take definite aim at some at these possible action steps for a better tomorrow? Whether young or old, mature or a novice in the Christian faith, these suggestions…when followed can be life changing and world influencing. As Dave Mathews sang, To change the world, start with 1 step; and however small, first step is hardest of all. For once you get your gait, you’ll be walkin’ tall…”

The bolded phrases are from my pastor. I added the principles, Scriptures and comments:

1. Devotions—“Read the Bible”-Mt.4:4, 1Tim.1:5, 4:13, 2Tim.3:14-17.
“…I am…” Read the Gospels slowly and thoughtfully, become a person of the Word!

2. Fellowship—“Join a Small Group”-Acts 2:46, Heb.10:24-25.
“…I did…have joined and started…”

3. Witness—“Share Your Christian Faith with a Friend”-Acts 1:8, 1Thes.2:8, Mt.5:16. “…I shall…”

4. Prayer—“Learn/Practice Prayer”-Lk.11:1-13, Eph.6:18. “…I will…”

5. Generosity—“Increase Your Giving”-Acts 20:35, Lk.6:38, 2Cor.8:5-12.
“…I did…”

6. Missions—“Go on a Mission Trip”-Mt.28:19, Mk.16:15, Rom.16:26, Rev.7:9, 15:3-4. “…I want to…with my children…”

7. Serving—“Find a Place to Serve”-Mt.20:28, 25:21, Rom.12:4-11, Gal.5:13.
“…I have…and will continue to,” in the church and in the community.

8. Growing—“Make Sure You’re Intentional About Growth” -2Pet.3:18, 1:2-13, Jn.3:30. “…I must!...” If you’re not intentional about knowing and growing with the Lord, then you’ll inevitably, unintentionally lose ground…

May our Heavenly Father grace you with the strength to deliberately, intentionally take definite aim and action with these simple, yet eternally significant steps.

“I willingly believe that the damned are, in one sense, successful; that the doors of hell are locked on the inside. I do not mean that the ghosts may not wish to come out of hell, in the vague fashion wherein an envious man ‘wishes’ to be happy; but they certainly do not will even the first preliminary stages of that self-abandonment through which alone the soul can reach any good.” –C.S. Lewis

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