This is an article my daughter Alexis had published last year in her school newspaper "The VERVE." I love her writing and encourage you to glean from the "Pure Perspective" of a 16 year old. That is the title of her monthly article and new blog...check it out at:
“However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the gospel of God's grace.” -Acts 20:24
Among the Christian world the term “Missions” comes up rather often. The majority of us have either been on a mission’s trip before or if not, we know someone who has. The incredible experiences which take place on those trips are quite tough to put into words and frequently the end result includes the changed lives of those who were ministered to and those who went to minister. This is a recurring instance which many can testify to, but what happens, when we come home from such indescribable encounters with the Lord and life as we knew it just won’t cut it anymore?
Yes, coming back to reality is tough and the ‘missions trip high’ is something that may drive us to be different then before, but there is something which many of us fail to consider and often don’t even truly understand. Missions is obviously about reaching out to the lost and hurting, but why do we so often get the idea that they have to be done in certain ways and in specific circumstances? The bible never says only to preach the Gospel when on organized trips with our youth groups or when our churches send us to do so.
As Christians we should be living our lives as if we are on the mission field 24/7. Our single most important job other than pursuing an intimate relationship with the Creator is to further His kingdom.
Putting this concept into action may be as simple as encouraging someone at school who seems to be having a tough day, or challenging friends to a higher standard of purity and brotherly-love. Taking this a step further may mean gathering up the boldness to pray for someone while you are in Wal-Mart or even sharing the gospel with someone you meet while standing in line at Chic-fil-a.
God didn’t put many boundaries on how we are to share His good news. All we need to do is make ourselves available for His use. Living fully for the Lord means sacrificing the desires of our flesh and giving ourselves entirely to Him, when we do this no matter what fears we may have, Christ will use us—simply because we are willing to be used. We don’t even have to worry ourselves with finding people to minister to or having the right words to say, all we must do is prepare our hearts and He will provide the rest.
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