“HE (Jesus) gave them this command: ‘Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift My Father promised, which you have heard Me speak about. For John baptized with water, but in a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit…But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be My witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” –Acts 1:4-5, 8
These scriptures are the summary of the promise (Jn.7:37-39, Eph.1:13-14). It is a promise that Jesus will baptize Christians with the Holy Spirit, which will give them power to be witnesses and ministers wherever they go.
I. The Promise of the Father-
A. Biblical Sketch of “God enduing His people with power”
1. In the Old Testament – certain of God’s people were endued with power for certain tasks – Joshua, Samson, David, Moses, etc.
2. The 2 different OT prophecies/promises of the Holy Spirit:
· New Birth/Heart –Jer.31:33-34, Ez.36:26-27; Jn.3:3, 2Cor.3:3=“In You”
· Baptism/Outpouring –Joel 2:28-29, Acts 2:16-17=”Upon You”
*Notice: the 1st is about salvation in relation to a new covenant and forgiveness, while the 2nd is about a Lordship witness and wonders in relation to restoration (building and blessing).
3. God’s heart was to endue all HIS people with the Spirit.
· Num. 11:27-29 – that all God’s people would be prophetic, and be endued with the power of the Spirit.
· Joel 2:28-29 – in the last days, the Spirit would be poured out on all God’s people.
B. The Prophecy of Joel-
1. Joel 2:28-32 – Joel prophesies the Spirit will be poured out on…
2. Acts 2:1-5 – The Spirit was poured out on.
3. Acts 2:16-17 – Peter explains the prophecy in Joel was fulfilled.
II. The Proof of Jesus’ Resurrection-
In the New Testament – Jesus is Lord, Messiah and Savior; however, John the Baptist did not mention any of these when introducing Jesus. He introduced Jesus as the one who would baptize His followers in the Spirit (Mt 3:12, Mk 1:8, Lk 24:49, Jn 1:33, Acts 1:5, 8). Jesus also promised to give us (send) the Holy Spirit (Jn.7:37-39, 16:7-14, Lk.24:49). Luke writes to show that Jesus is Alive, Ascended and Active (Lk 1:2/Acts 1:3, 22, 3:15, 5:31-32); and he says the baptism and outpouring of the Spirit by Jesus is proof of His resurrection life (Acts 2:31-36).
III. The Increased Potential-
*One of the best explanations of Jesus’ desire, and our need for this promised Spiritual baptism is found in “Spirit Filled” by Jack Hayford. Here is a brief summary:
3 Reasons Jesus Christ wants to baptize/anoint every child of God (Christian):
1) However sincere we may be, we cannot, on our own, worship God as freely and fully as HE deserves.
2) However zealous we may be, we cannot, on our own witness for Christ as effectively as HE desires.
3) However capable we may be, we cannot, on our own, do spiritual warfare for Christ as penetratingly as HE directs.
3 Abilities (powers) Jesus Christ wants to give us:
1) An expansion of our capacity to Worship
2) An extension of our dynamic for Witnessing
3) An expulsion of the adversary through our prayers and Spiritual Warfare
3 Offices Jesus Christ wants to enable (anoint) us to fulfill:
1) Priest – to our God
2) Prophet – to the People
3) King – to the enemy
IV. The Promised Spirit Baptism:
The opening scene here in Acts is the last vision and communication of Jesus in the flesh. Just before His Ascension to Heaven, He is speaking a correction, the promise and a commission. Let’s take a closer look at these:
The Correction:
Q-What were the disciples asking Jesus in Acts 1:6, and what does this reveal about their desires or priorities?
It seems that the disciples had an unhealthy curiosity, some misplaced priorities, or a mistaken emphasis. They were focused on now, eschatology questions, and themselves/Israel (parochialism/provincialism).
Q-What did Jesus say they do not need to know in Acts 1:7?_____________________
The Promise:
Look at the principles found in the promise of Acts 1:8:
1) The Necessity of receiving– Jesus commanded them to “Tarry until/wait for it.”
2) The Certainty of receiving– it is “the promise of the Father” who keeps HIS word! And it says 2x “ye will/shall receive.”
3) The Ability received– Gr. Dunamis “power” or spiritual strength & might from God.
4) The Confirmation of receiving– “after/when the Holy Spirit is come upon you.”
5) The Purpose of receiving– “be MY (Jesus) witnesses.”
Q-What did Jesus promise the disciples in Acts 1:8? ____________________________
The Commission:
Q-What is the purpose for the promised Spiritual power?_________________________
The Conclusion: While we may be concerned with ourselves, our times, our nation/people group, or even end time fears & hopes; God wants us to: trust the Sovereignty of God, recognize our need for spiritual power, and be a participant in His Great Commission Purpose! While we ask when, what & who? God answers how, why & where! –Acts 1:7-8
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